Complaints procedure ABN AMRO Lease

ABN AMRO Asset Based Finance aims to provide a very high standard of service. However we recognise that things sometimes go wrong.

If this happens, it is very important to us that:

  • You know how to make a complaint,

  • Your complaint receives prompt attention from the right people within the business,

  • Wherever possible, you are satisfied with how we have dealt with and resolved your complaint,

  • If you are not satisfied, you know how to take the matter further.

Please raise your complaint by submitting below form

How to Complain

Your relationship director should be able to help you with any complaint you may have, however, if you prefer to raise the matter with senior management, please fill out below form or submit complaint in writing: ABN AMRO Asset Based Finance (Lease) 4th floor, 5 Aldermanbury Square London EC2V 7HR.

How We Will Deal With Your Complaint

We will assign your complaint to a senior employee who will acknowledge it within 24 hours and start to investigate immediately.

We will normally respond within 15 working days. Sometimes, where a complaint is more complex, we may need longer to establish the facts. If so, we will contact you to explain and to provide an expected response date.

If you do not consider that we have fully addressed your concerns, please contact us again. We will re-examine the matter and aim to give you our final response within a further 10 working days.

If You Are Not Satisfied With Our Final Response

You may escalate the matter to the Finance & Leasing Association (FLA), our trade body.

Under the terms of the FLA Business Finance Code, customers (or business partners, or any member of the public) can complain to the FLA about perceived breaches of that Code.

Details of how to complain are found here

The FLA will ask us to review the complaint and to respond to you. Meantime the FLA will monitor the progress of this review and check that our response is in line with the Code.

For rare instances where the matter cannot be resolved via the conciliation scheme described above, the FLA also offers an Independent Mediation Scheme.

Your contact details: